Metatons ESG transforms carbon accounting and sustainability reportingsimplifying complex emissions tracking and reporting . Our platform supports companies in their quest to reduce environmental impact, making sustainability reporting accessible, accurate, and actionable.
Metatons ESG streamlines carbon management by bringing together data from various sources into one straightforward platform for accurate emissions tracking and analysis. This approach meets industry standards, providing valuable insights for making informed environmental decisions and offering a comprehensive perspective on a company’s environmental and social footprint.
Metatons ESG advances sustainability strategies with its advanced measurement tools categorizing emissions by scope for detailed analysis and strategic action. This granular data analysis fosters a deeper understanding of environmental impacts, supporting targeted initiatives. Metatons ESG enables a more nuanced understanding of your environmental impact, laying the groundwork for targeted action plans.
Moreover, Metatons ESG promotes collective environmental responsibility by enabling engagement with stakeholders, suppliers and employees. This approach allows companies to interact and collaborate with their suppliers based on specific emissions profiles, advocating for a shared commitment to sustainability.
Metatons ESG streamlines compliance with global sustainability frameworks, including CSRD, GHG Protocol, and TNFD, offering adaptable reporting features for customized insights and regulatory adherence. This facilitates easy alignment with global standards, enhancing the visibility of your sustainability efforts.
Metatons ESG enhances reporting accuracy by utilizing emission factors from various databases including Defra, MITECO, EEA , and ISPRA and MASE, delivering precise, up-to-date data for sustainability reporting This approach simplies carbon tracking making sustainability practices more accessible, and in line with global standards.
Embrace the future of sustainability with Metatons ESG. Contact our sales team for more information on how our platform can transform your carbon accounting and sustainability reporting processes.
17Tons SB SRL
Via Catania, 14 – Palermo (Italia)
p.iva IT 06 9978 50828